Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Oportunidade para estudar na Holanda!

Vou usar este espaço para divulgar informações que considere de utilidade, principalmente, para aqueles estudantes que pretendam continuar com a sua formação ao nível do mestrado e do doutoramento no estrangeiro. Os visados são principalmente estudantes de ciências sociais graduados das nossas instituições de ensino superior. Posso ser repreendido uma vez que estou a contribuir para que se forme mais gente que "não sabe fazer", logo inútil para os desafios da "nobre" tarefa de combate a pobreza ABSOLUTA! A única chance de aceder a estas oportunidades é falando Inglês, por isso não me preocupei em traduzir o anúncio!
Interested in the study of gender and sexuality?
The University of Amsterdam offers an undergraduate (Dutch and English) and a Masters programme (English) on Gender, Sexuality and Society (GSS) in the field of the social sciences.
Gender and sexuality studies are devoted to enhancing our understanding of the differences among certain groups of women and certain groups of men - as well as between women and men - in an era of globalization and transnational migration. A range of social distinctions among and between women and men, and the particular forms of agency available to them, are grounded in their ethnic and religious identities, age categories, class location, sexual orientation, or access to political power. These distinctions produce different experiences and entitlements in civil society and citizenship; they endow most human beings with contrasting perspectives on their options in the environment in which they live, work, and forge social and sexual bonds. This scholarly endeavor represents a systematic attempt to address structurally embedded prescriptions concerning gender relations and sexual behavior on a par with other analytical variables such as class, ethnicity, religion, age, or political ideology.
The programme on Gender, Sexuality and Society aims to integrate the social and cultural imperatives that shape gendered identities and sexual relationships into the normal research repertoire of social scientists. Accordingly, in the programme students will learn how to incorporate a multi-disciplinary and transnational approach. The historical and comparative dimensions emphasized in the majority of the courses train the student to analyse issues in society and culture from various perspectives and to put them in their wide-ranging sociological, political and cultural contexts. The programme on Gender, Sexuality and Society provides the student with a solid theoretical, conceptual, and methodological foundation in the social sciences. The combination of empirical studies with theoretical reflection and reading will provide the intellectual tools and abilities that students need to better understand, analyse and cope with the world's contemporary problems and complexities.
The Universiteit van Amsterdam has a sophisticated, experienced and international oriented teaching staff, a well built network of experts outside the university, specialized libraries and archives, and a student network. Expertise in gender and sexuality studies has been developed since their incipience in the late 1970s. The staff employs an interdisciplinary perspective, having specializations in sociology, anthropology, history, political science, and philosophy. This lively and colourful academic community is, above all, based in a city that is famous for its liberal sexual attitude and knows many interesting spots for people who are interested in the field of gender and sexuality.
See http://www.ishss.uva.nl/

For questions and more information, please contact the programme managers Heleen Straesser
Rachel Spronk, PhD. • Department of Anthropology and Sociology / Amsterdam for Social Science Research (ASSR) • University of Amsterdam • Oudezijds Achterburgwal 185 • 1012 DK Amsterdam • The Netherlands • http://home.medewerker.uva.nl/r.spronk/

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